KARACHI: A memorandum of understanding was signed in a ceremony held at the British Deputy High Commission in Karachi between SEED Ventures and
Social Enterprise Academy (SEA), Scotland, to inaugurate the international social franchise of the Social Enterprise Academy for Pakistan. Faraz Khan, CEO and founder of SEED Ventures and Sam Baumber, Managing Director of Social Enterprise Academy Scotland, initiated the signing which was witnessed by Belinda Lewis, British Deputy High Commissioner.
The partnership between Social Enterprise Academy, Scotland and SEED Ventures has marked the beginning of a lasting relationship to support social enterprises in Pakistan and the social economy throughout the country. SEA Pakistan will work towards catering to the local social entrepreneurs and enterprises, building links between the two countries while adopting an inclusive approach towards an international network of hub partners.
Through SEA Pakistan, local social entrepreneurs will be trained to facilitate programmes for their peers, bringing their insight and understanding of the challenges and opportunities Pakistan’s social enterprise sector faces.